Do you think you're too shy or introverted to be successful in direct sales? Does the thought of interacting with strangers give you a sick feeling in your stomach? Will you avoid asking for referrals simply because it feels too uncomfortable for you? Don't automatically dismiss a profitable direct sales career just because you get a little nervous about making phone calls to strangers - most everyone experiences this kind of fear at one time or another, and just about everyone can overcome it.

First, it’s important to look at the fear of public speaking. It is absolutely the number one most common fear.  Public speaking could mean speaking in front of an audience of 500 people or it could mean speaking one on one to a stranger. Three out of every four individuals suffer from speech anxiety: that's seventy five percent. Given this alarming statistic, shy direct sellers are the norm, not the exception - and if they can overcome it, so can you!

The reality is, most people on your team, including upline and downline have experienced a fear of speaking in front of people. Have you ever watched someone on stage performing or giving a speech and they seem completely natural, confident and relaxed.  Chances are they have become more comfortable over time, or are in the minority twenty five percent of the population who enjoy public speaking.  Knowing this, there is no reason to feel inferior or intimidated if you fall in the 75%.  Aren’t you feeling better already?

For some consultants, the hardest part of running a direct selling business is opening their mouth to talk with strangers. They are comfortable talking with family, friends and those they have had an opportunity to get to know. But potential customers, recruits or new team members scare the pants off of them. The more opportunity you have to speak with people you don’t know, the easier it becomes. That said - a good way to overcome this fear is to practice, practice, practice.  One trick I used when I was in an opportunity that promoted a lot of face to face interaction with strangers was to speak in front of the mirror.  I would practice my pitch in front of the mirror until I was comfortable with what I was going to say.  When I knew what I was going to sound like and how I would come across to my prospect I was more confident, and realized that I was more approachable when I relaxed and just started the conversation.

When you approach someone for the first time either face to face or on the phone just relax and remember to breathe… also know you don’t have to be overly chatty, but you do need to introduce your products if you want to sell them.  If you are willing to give it a shot, and you really do want this to work and are willing to step out of your comfort zone, here’s a tip to get you started.

The next time you come in contact with a cashier, receptionist or waitress, take a deep breath, introduce yourself then say to this person, “If you know anyone who likes [candles, jewelry, cooking, vitamins, etc.], could you please pass this along?” Then hand that person a business card, sample, or catalog, smile and thank them for their time.

That’s it.  It’s that simple.  You’ll realize it wasn’t so bad and that you didn’t throw up or pass out. Now try it again, and again, and again. Remember to relax and take a deep breath and in time it’ll get easier and at some point you’ll find yourself engaging in conversations with strangers without even having to prepare.  Give it a try, you just may find yourself with new customers and recruits as a result. 

Since you are reading this article, I am guessing you are considering a career in direct sales or perhaps you are already involved in a direct sales business opportunity.  Well, I would like to share with you some details about my opportunity.  I am an affiliate with Empower Network.  Empower Network is a direct sales company that offers 100% commissions.  Results are not typical… Please click here for the income disclaimer…Seriously, please check out the income disclaimer, I think you may be pleasantly surprised. In less than 2 years, Empower Network has paid out over $50,000,000 in commissions. Whether you are looking for a vehicle to promote your own business or if you are seeking a new opportunity as an affiliate, Empower Network offers high quality business and personal development tools to take you wherever you want to go. To learn more about Empower Network click here, put in your best email address to access this free life changing video and I’ll see you on the inside!