Do you know what you really want in life?

Are you laser focused on what you want? 

Have you written down what your greatest desire is…

… and when and how you will attain that desire?

Do you have a vision board?

I want to teach you one of the most the necessary steps to reach your goals in life.  First I want to tell you a story about desire…

In 1989 I moved from Fresno California to St. Thomas, USVI.  (The move itself is another storyJ).  When I announced that I was moving, a good friend announced she was getting married and wanted me to be in her wedding party.  Her wedding was to take place two months after my move.  Obviously I had to travel back to California for the happy event.  Now this was 1989, there were no E-Tickets, Airline tickets were paper, and usually purchased at a brick and mortar travel agency, or at the airport.  I purchased my ticket to fly back to California just before I moved. 

Fast forward, I was settling into my new place on St. Thomas and it was four days before I was to leave for California.  I did a quick check of my round trip non refundable airline ticket, birth certificate and drivers license, put them in an envelope, sealed it and set it aside.  Next I took my old one way ticket with my cat Apollo’s health certificate, (the health certificate was required by the government to bring my cat to the islands) folded the envelope and threw it away.  This was Easter Sunday 1989.  I was entertaining and had guests arriving as I was prepping for my trip.  Easter was fabulous; new friends, great food, the Caribbean… it doesn’t get much better than that.

St. Thomas is an island that is about 3 miles wide and 13 miles long.  In 1989 there were no corporations that pick up your garbage, and having just returned from a visit, I believe it is still pretty much the same.  People take their garbage to large dumpsters at various locations throughout the island and semi trucks in turn take those dumpsters to the Bovoni landfill.  Now there was an entrepreneurial spirited guy named Harry who started a local garbage pick up on the north side of the island where I lived.  Harry and his brother Larry contracted with local residents to pick up their trash and truck it out to the dump, where when trash is received, it is promptly buried.  Harry and Larry came to my home on Monday morning like clockwork and picked up the trash.  I never even heard him as I was sound asleep.

After breakfast I pulled out my suitcase and began to pack for my trip.  I glanced over at my nightstand and saw a folded up envelope…my stomach turned and I tore open the envelope only to find my used one way ticket and Apollo’s health certificate.  Now there were no Cell phones back in the day, heck the land lines barely worked on a regular basis then…I had to find Harry and I had to find him fast.  I woke up my landlord and asked him how to get to the Bovoni dump. 

Street signs were not prevalent on the island then…Ken began to explain to me that I would need to take a turn at a huge pot hole, then look for the place where there would be lots of goats  and turn at the Guinep tree…

My brain couldn't handle this…It took me six weeks to be comfortable enough to drive at night on the island in my own neighborhood…the idea of driving out to the landfill, didn’t set very well with me.  I begged my landlord, Ken, to please come with me.  He hemmed and hawed and fiddled around for nearly 20 minutes. 

I was sitting in my car, fingers gripping the steering wheel and every fiber of my being was focused on ONE THING getting to the dump and FINDING my envelope.  I was wholly focused on recovering my documents, as there was no way I could miss the wedding and absolutely no way for me to replace my birth certificate and drivers license in time to leave the island, let alone purchase another airline ticket at that time…My hands were clenched so tight that my knuckles were white, my heart was racing and all I could think of was a repetitive prayer, Jesus PLEASE!

Ken finally sauntered out to my car ( island time was something it took me years to adapt to) and we were finally on the road to Bovoni.  Ken was convinced that by this time of day Harry would have already made at least two trips to the dump and there would be no way for us to recover my documents.  I refused to acknowledge his negativity and kept driving.  The DOMINATING thoughts in my mind had no room for negativity.

The approach to the landfill was not paved and as we turned onto the road, we saw up ahead of us a brown panel truck.  It was Harry! Ken kept on about how this must be at least his second trip to the landfill of the day since it was nearly noon.  I sped up to Harry and stopped him.  Turns out he stopped for breakfast at the beach before heading out to Bovoni!  This was his first trip of the day and there were only about 100 bags of garbage to go through to find my documents!  The men at the dump, Harry, Larry, Ken and I would soon find my precious envelope.

Now you may be wondering why I told you this story which has absolutely nothing to do with my MLM, direct sales, internet marketing etcetera…well, I have learned a principle from this experience.  That principle can be summed up like this:  Thoughts become things…your dominating thoughts will become your reality.  If you are laser focused on what you want and clear on your DESIRED outcome the universe will deliver.  This principle has worked for scores of successful business people, great thinkers, and average men and women time after time…read or re-read Napoleon Hill’s great work Think And Grow Rich.  There is a revised edition for the 21st Century that is mind blowing!

So get crystal clear on your desired outcome.  Make a mission statement to yourself and go over it twice daily.  Make the dominating thoughts in your mind work for you not against you, and get a vision board.  A vision board helps keep the focus of your desired outcome in your line of sight, and will help you maintain your laser focus.  That old phrase “out of sight, out of mind” is true, so keep your vision in plain sight so it DOMINATES!

Since you are reading this article, I am guessing you are considering a career in direct sales or perhaps you are already involved in a direct sales business opportunity.  Well, I would like to share with you some details about my opportunity.  I am an affiliate with Empower Network.  Empower Network is a direct sales company that offers 100% commissions.  Results are not typical… Please click here for the income disclaimer, I think you may be pleasantly surprised. In less than 2 years, Empower Network has paid out over $50,000,000 in commissions. Whether you are looking for a vehicle to promote your own business or if you are seeking a new opportunity as an affiliate, Empower Network offers high quality business and personal development tools to take you wherever you want to go. To learn more about Empower Network click here, put in your best email address to access this free life changing video and I’ll see you on the inside!


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    August 2013

